본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2013.12.11 2011가합116572

1. All of the plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.


1. Basic facts

A. On August 3, 2009, the deceased D (EE; hereinafter referred to as “the deceased”) transferred to Tol University Seoul Emna Hospital (hereinafter referred to as “the Defendant hospital”) operated by the Defendant as the main lake and marsh, with the symptoms of the side and the part-time clurology. The same month

5. As a result of the kidne examination, the focus diversity of chronic diversosis began to be diagnosed and undergo urology and immunodeficiency therapy treatment.

B. On May 2010, the medical personnel of the Defendant Hospital suspended the immunity suppression treatment and performed the preservative treatment, such as the control of father species, while conducting tracking uriine tests and blood tests with respect to the deceased through regular outpatients treatment.

다. 망인은 2010. 12. 8.경 혈액검사결과 BUN/Cr 수치가 19.4/1.06mg/㎗로 측정[BUN(요소 질소) 수치의 정상범주는 6~20mg/㎗, Cr(Creatinine) 수치의 정상범주는 0.6~1.2mg/㎗이다. 위 각 수치가 정상치보다 상승되어 있으면 신기능 저하로 진단할 수 있다]되는 등 신장기능 및 부종이 악화되는 증상이 나타나자 피고 병원에 입원한 후 수액치료 등을 받고, 추후 신장생검을 다시 실시하기로 하고 같은 달 12. 퇴원하였다. 라.

망인은 2011. 1. 31.경부터 2011. 7. 21.경까지 혈청크레아티닌 수치가 1.31에서 2.97mg/㎗로 점점 상승하고, 부종증상이 악화되자 신장생검을 다시 받기 위하여 2011. 7. 21. 피고 병원에 입원하였다.

The medical team of the Defendant Hospital decided to administer urology with respect to the deceased, and attempt to re-sted treatment, injecting the steculp pulse from July 27, 201 to the 30th of the same month. On July 31, 2011, in prescribing the steculse (H-LON 60 gg) at the time of discharge, and on the other hand, steculatory was not implemented since the stecule’s steculsis was not the steculsis of the deceased.

입원기간 동안 망인의 BUN/Cr 수치는 2011. 7. 21.경 61.7/2.97mg/㎗, 같은 달 23.경 57.6/3.11mg...
