본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2016.03.23 2015가합35805

1. The Defendant paid KRW 28 million to the Plaintiff KRW 6% per annum from August 18, 2010 to February 23, 2016.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. On May 6, 2009, the Plaintiff, on May 6, 2009, published a highly advanced waste incineration and food resource-generating facility construction contract (hereinafter “instant bidding”) that treats household wastes, food, waste, etc. generated in a housing site development project zone, etc. in Namyang-ju. 2) The tender notice of the instant bidding and the tender notice presented by the Plaintiff in addition thereto include a work tender notice (Ⅰ) and a work tender notice (Ⅱ), and each of the main contents are as follows.

5. Other matters: Public Notice of Construction Work

(c)At the time of site descriptions, bidders shall be informed of all matters necessary for the tendering of this construction project, such as bid guide distributed, and respond to the tendering, and all responsibilities which are not familiar with it shall be borne by the bidders.

A person that has not been determined as a successful bidder shall be compensated for part of the design cost under the "compensation for the design cost of the large construction project" in the criteria for the execution of the Government tender and contract.

A tender referred to in Article 44 of the Enforcement Rule of Article 15 (Invalidity of Tender) of the Tender for Construction Project (Ⅰ) and a tender falling under any of the following subparagraphs shall be null and void:

4. 담합하거나 타인의 경쟁참가를 방해 또는 관계계약담당자의 업무집행을 방해한 자의 입찰 공사입찰유의서(Ⅱ) 제13조(설계비 보상) ① 설계비의 보상은 발주기관이 당해 공사의 설계비 보상을 목적으로 책정한 예산의 범위 내에서 회계예규 「정부입찰ㆍ계약집행기준」 제15장의 대형공사의 설계비 보상에 따라 보상할 수 있다.

(2) In the case of a package deal tender, the object of the compensation for design expenses shall be those who have been judged as qualified as a result of the design deliberation, and have failed to be selected as a successful bidder among six persons in the order of highest design points, and in the case of an alternative tender, those who have been determined as a qualified bidder as a result of the selection of an alternative
