본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 고양지원 2017.02.03 2016고정566


A A The fines of fine of KRW 5,000,000, the fines of KRW 1,000,000, the fines of KRW 1,000,00, and the charges of KRW 2,00,00, respectively.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendants, despite the fact that their injury level is not an injury to the extent that the hospital requires hospitalization, were used to facilitate this hospitalization and to pay medical expenses from the insurance company on the condition that they are discharged from the insurance company, in order to receive insurance money under the name of the insurance company, such as medical expenses, agreement money, etc.

1. Defendant C

A. On August 2, 2011, the Defendant: (a) neglected the damage to the said Hanwon, despite no need for hospitalization; and (b) received KRW 1,703,250 from the Defendant’s Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., which received hospitalized treatment for 19 days in total from August 20, 2011, on the grounds that there was no need for hospitalization; and (c) received KRW 1,703,250 from the victim’s fire department.

B. On March 26, 2012, the Defendant: (a) neglected the need to be hospitalized; (b) received hospitalized treatment for 13 days in total from the victim’s fire insurance company until April 7, 2012; and (c) received KRW 1,028,090 from the victim’s fire insurance company.


On February 2, 2014, on the ground that the Defendant got kneeee due to a bicycle accident in Eunpyeong-dong Seoul, the Defendant was paid KRW 994,130,00 from the victim’s East Fire Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., after having been hospitalized for at least 11 days until February 13, 2014, in spite of no need to be hospitalized.


On August 29, 2014, on the ground that the Defendant was shouldered by traffic accidents (aftermathing), etc., the Defendant was paid KRW 1,703,660 from the Defendant Hyundai Madern Commercial Reinsurance Co., Ltd. for the victims after being hospitalized for a total of five days from September 5, 2014, in spite of no need to be hospitalized.

Accordingly, the defendant acquired a total of KRW 5,429,130 through a total of four times.

2. Defendant A

A. On the ground that the Defendant shouldered by a traffic accident (aftermath) around December 20, 2013.
