본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.10.31 2014고합1131


A Imprisonment of three years and six months, Defendant B's imprisonment with prison labor for a maximum of two years, Defendant B for a short of one year and six months, and Defendant F for a fine of 50.


Punishment of the crime


On July 18, 2013, A was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for special larceny, etc. by the Seoul Eastern District Court on July 18, 2013, and the execution of the sentence was completed on January 13, 2014 by Seongdong-gu District Court.

1. Joint criminal conduct by Defendant A and Defendant B

A. On March 2014, Defendants of the violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (joint conflict) conspired to engage in the so-called “niversing work” of the method of attracting money by threatening the principal to report illegal business facts to the proprietor after playing play, such as going through singing in order to obtain living expenses and entertainment expenses, and demanding the principal to do so.

On April 4, 2014, at around 22:00, the Defendants opened the “BL singing” operated by the victim BK (n, 50 years of age) located on the Seongbuk-gu Seoul branch, Seongbuk-gu Seoul (BL) to the “BL singing room,” and asked the victim to have two members of the helper and paid 90,000 won to the victim in cash, and play approximately one hour for the victim.

피고인들은 같은 날 23:30경 위 노래방 카운터에서 피해자에게 피고인 B은 “우리 미성년자인데 사장님이 민증 검사하지 않으셨죠”라고 말하고, 피고인 A은 휴대폰으로 112 통화번호를 입력해 놓고 신고할 것처럼 하면서 “신고할테니 경찰서 가서 확인하죠, 노래방에서 도우미 불러주고 술 팔면 안되는 것 아니에요, 여기 동영상 다찍어 놓았으니까 마음대로 하세요”라고 말하며 “아까 냈던 요금 다시 돌려주세요”라고 말하여 피해자를 협박하였다.

The Defendants received KRW 90,00 won in cash from the fry victim, i.e., the Defendant continued to do so, and Defendant A asked more than KRW 50,00,00 while stating that “Arhhhhhhhhhhhn was also the one,” and the victim refused to do so, thereby threateninging that “the money should be collected more because the inside is the fry so, and the grhnhn was the one.”
