본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 경주지원 2015.06.10 2015고단344


A and Defendant C are punished by imprisonment for eight months, by imprisonment for one year, and by imprisonment for one year and four months, and by imprisonment for Defendant D.


Punishment of the crime


A, Defendant B, Defendant C, and Defendant D were separated from “H,” which is a violence organization in the racing area, and are currently in conflict with each other, and Defendant E is a staff member of the violent organization in conflict with each other, and Defendant E is part of the two titles J of “I” and its subordinate staff members, who were aware of for a long time in the racing.

Recently, while “I” making efforts to recruit the members of the young group before and after the age of 20 in order to oppose “H,” the Defendants conspired to conceal K by putting in a group seven persons, such as K, L, M, N,O, P, and Q, which are a new organization, into the two sides of December 26, 2014 and 28 of the same month as of December 26, 2014, in order to prevent the escape of K, etc. from being arrested by K, etc. under the direction of the JJ, with the knowledge of the escape from the above crime, in order to prevent the escape of K, etc. from being arrested by the investigation agency in accordance with the direction of the two items.

During the period from December 28, 2014 to January 14, 2015, Defendants, in collusion with S, T, U, and V, concealed seven persons, including K, etc., who committed a crime corresponding to a fine or heavier punishment, in the same manner as the list of crimes in the attached Form, at the racing seat.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendants’ respective legal statements

1. Prosecutions and police suspect interrogation protocol for the Defendants

1. Each protocol of examination by the prosecution and police concerning J;

1. Each police examination report on W, P, N, Q, X, L, M,O,K, and Y (each copy of the investigation report);

1. Statement of the police statement concerning the Z;

1. Each police statement (each copy) with respect to E, AA, AB, AC, R, D, AE, and AF;

1. A copy of the investigation intelligence report, I guidance report, investigation report (related to suspect's escape situations), each photograph, copy of the investigation report, copy of the investigation report, copy of the investigation report (verification of pentathy) and copy of the investigation report (personal information of the pentathy person), and copy of the investigation report;
