본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2016.09.02 2015나13825
소유권이전등기 등

1. The part against the plaintiff in the judgment of the court of first instance against the defendant shall be revoked.

The defendant shall enter the attached list in the plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. The relationship between the parties 1) The plaintiff is a clan naturally created in the Gwangjin-gun G group in order to promote the religious operation of the joint ancestor group, the protection of graves, and the friendship among the members of the family group by making the 12-year-old descendants of the city group E as the joint ancestor group, and the descendants are the members of the plaintiff's clan, and the defendant is the plaintiff's clan. 2) The plaintiff's clan led to He (foreign children), I (foreign children), J (foreign children), K, K, and L since the mid-school group of the family group of the plaintiff's clan, and J Ma and K N under S.

M had O, P, and Q under the slot, and N had R, S (T in the family name was called "T" hereinafter), U, and V under the slot.

R under the Ss, W, Y, Z, AA, and T had AB, AC, and AD under the Ss.

W had AE and AF under the Ss, AB had B, AG, AH, and AC had C, AI, AJ, and AK under the Ss.

The following shall be applied to this painting:

(W) FH IJ M (C) P (C) P (C) Q (C) K (C) R (C) R (C) X AE AF (C's representative of the Plaintiff clan), BAAAAH AB AB, CAI AJ AF AC, CAI AD U (C) V (C) L (C) 3 of the Defendant around October 9 of each year, the Plaintiff 1 came to come to come to come to come to go to si on October 9 of each year. F HH IJ M (C) P (C) P (C) P (C) Q (C) K (C) K (C) K (C) R (C) M (C (C) M (C) M (C) M in the name of the Defendant during the period from 1917 to 1918 (T) M (C).

Since then, the list in the Schedule BJ, BK, and BE shall be marked only once in this paragraph.

5. Real estate, hereinafter referred to as “5. Real estate,” and other real estate listed in the separate sheet are referred to only by the sequence in the same format.

) Division was divided into BL, BM, BN, and BO; BL was divided into BH (8. Real Estate); BM was converted into BI (9. Real Estate); and BP (which appears to have been divided into AM).

) The BF (6. Real Estate), BG (Real Estate, etc.) was divided into real Estate, etc.


1. to 1.

3. The real estate is purchased with the sale price of the BP real estate.


1. With respect to shares in real estate 35/73.
