본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2015.10.22 2015고단3608

[Defendant A] The defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for eight months.

However, the above sentence shall be executed for two years from the date of the final judgment.


Punishment of the crime


B A Co., Ltd. is a corporation engaged in construction business, etc. in E at the time of public order, and a business owner performing a project with a contract with the Korea Land and Housing Corporation, and Defendant A is a person with all responsibility for safety and health of his employees as a director at the construction site and a person in charge of safety

1. Defendant A

가. 안전상의 조치 미이행으로 인한 근로자 사망의 점 피고인은 2014. 12. 15. 19:45경 화성시 F 공사현장에서, 근로자인 피해자 G(45세), 피해자 H(58세)으로 하여금 위 현장의 103동 지하1층 피트#2(가로 10m, 세로 25m, 깊이 3.4m)의 콘크리트 양생을 위해 피워놓은 갈탄 난로 6개에 갈탄 2포대(1포대 20kg) 씩을 보충하는 작업을 하게 하였다.

At the time, the defendant shall establish and implement a smuggling space health work program, including measurement and evaluation to verify whether the air prior to the commencement of the work is adequate, safety and health education and training, such as emergency measures, wearing and management of air conditioning apparatus, air air conditioning apparatus, air stacks, etc., and other matters concerning the prevention of health hazards to workers engaged in sealed space work, and where the workers are engaged in work in sealed space, they shall ensure that the workers are supplied with air conditioning or air conditioning, etc., and where it is extremely difficult to call the workplace to maintain the adequate air condition or to call the workplace due to the nature of the work in sealed space, and where workers are engaged in work in sealed space, they shall have air conditioning, air conditioning, air conditioning system, bridge, fiber, etc., and where workers are engaged in work in sealed space, they shall be equipped with devices necessary for evacuation or evacuation of workers, and where workers engaged in sealed work in sealed space at all times, they may designate a surveillance space to monitor the situation.
