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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2020.05.26 2019고단4508

Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.

Seized evidence No. 1 (2019 order4508 case) shall be confiscated.

The defendant.


Punishment of the crime

[전제사실] 전화금융사기(속칭 ‘보이스피싱’) 조직은 불특정 다수인을 상대로 무작위로 전화를 걸어 수사기관, 금융감독원 등을 사칭하며 형사사건 연루, 예금보호 등을 이유로 돈을 이체하거나 인출하여 전달해 달라는 방법으로 기망한 후 이에 속은 피해자로부터 금전을 편취하는 조직으로, 전화금융사기 조직의 역할은 점조직간의 유기적인 연락을 담당하는 ‘총책’, 피해자에게 전화를 거는 ‘콜센터’, 피해자로 하여금 계좌에 입금된 돈의 인출을 지시하는 ‘관리책’, 수거책 및 전달책에게 모바일 메신저 ‘위챗’으로 구체적인 범행을 지시하는 ‘실행책’, 직접 피해자를 만나 돈을 받아오는 ‘수거책’, 수거책으로부터 돈을 건네받아 송금책에 전달하는 ‘전달책’, 피해금을 환전하여 해외로 송금하는 ‘송금책’ 등으로 그 역할이 분담되어 있고, 검거에 대비하여 점조직 형태로 운영되고 있다.

The Defendant, as the introduction of D and E, who had already worked as the “collection Book” of the Bosing Organization, will share the role of the Defendant, along with the employees of the Singing Agency, etc., under whose name the account opened in the name of the victim was used by telephone to many and unspecified persons, thereby misrepresenting the investigative agency, and then withdrawing cash in the investigation, and then delivering it to the employees of the Financial Supervisory Service, after confirmation. The Defendant deceivings the victims by using the victims as an employee of the Financial Supervisory Service. The Defendant provided a forged document, etc. under the name of the Chairman of the Financial Supervisory Commission, and presented the documents, etc. under the name of the Financial Supervisory Commission as if the victims were the employees of the Financial Supervisory Service, and then delivered the remainder of the damage except for the amount received after receiving cash from the victims.
