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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2017.04.26 2016가단26839

1. The Defendant: (a) KRW 9,141,614; and (b) KRW 2,107,780 to Plaintiff B and each of the said money to Plaintiff A from August 21, 2016 to April 2017.


1. The occurrence of the liability for damages [based on the recognition of facts] A. The Defendant, at around 05:00 on August 12, 2016, assaulted the Plaintiffs on the street in front of the members of Ansan-si, Seoul-si, Seoul-si, and caused the Plaintiff B to undergo treatment for 22 days, and caused the Plaintiff A to be accompanied by a floor slope of the floor requiring medical treatment for 42 days, and the frame of the aggregate of the mouth attached to the upper slope of the floor requiring medical treatment for 42 days.

(No. 2016, Oct. 19, 2016). The defendant is obligated to pay damages to the plaintiffs for the above illegal acts.

2. 손해배상책임의 범위 [사실인정의 근거] 민사소송법 제150조 제3항, 제1항에 의한 자백간주 치료비 : ▷원고 A 3,807,450원, 원고 B 607,780원 ▷원고 A은 향후치료비 200만 원도 구하나 후유장해 등의 주장 및 자료 없으므로 불인정 휴업손해 : ▷원고 A의 입원기간 13일(갑 4호증의 3,4) 동안 2016. 하반기 도시일용노임 102,628원 상당 손해 1,334,164원(= 102,628원 × 13일) 인정 ▷나머지 청구 불인정(원고들은 각 150일, 23일 치료기간 중 휴업손해를 구하고 있으나, 그 주장 자체로도 입원기간을 제외한 나머지 기간 동안 노동능력을 100% 상실하였다고 보기 어려움) 위자료 : 원고 A 400만 원, 원고 B 150만 원(이 사건 상해를 입게 된 경위, 상해의 부위 및 정도 등 참작)

3. According to the conclusion, the Defendant is obligated to pay the Plaintiff A the amount of KRW 9,141,614 (i.e., KRW 1,334,450, KRW 1,334,164, KRW 4,000, KRW 4,000) to the Plaintiff B, the amount of KRW 2,107,780 (i.e., KRW 607,780, KRW 1,500, KRW 607, KRW 607, KRW 780), the amount of KRW 5% per annum prescribed by the Civil Act from August 21, 2016 to April 26, 2017, and the amount of KRW 15% per annum prescribed by the Litigation Promotion Act from the following day to the date of full payment

The plaintiffs' claims are partly accepted within the scope of the above recognition.
