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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2014.02.20 2013고단2752 (1)

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a short term of one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal Justice] On August 26, 2010, the Defendant received a decision to transfer juvenile protection cases by special larceny, etc. from the Incheon District Public Prosecutor's Office. On September 30, 2010, the same decision was made by the same Public Prosecutor's Office as larceny, etc. on September 2, 2010. On December 29, 2010, the same decision was made by the same Public Prosecutor's Office as the same crime. On December 13, 2010, the same decision was made by the same Public Prosecutor's Office in the same Public Prosecutor's Office in the same Public Prosecutor's Office in the same Public Prosecutor's Office in the same Public Prosecutor's Office in the same Public Prosecutor's Office in the same Public Prosecutor's Office in the same Public Prosecutor's Office in the same Public Prosecutor's Office in Incheon Public Prosecutor's Office in the same Public Prosecutor's Office in the same Public Prosecutor's Office in the same Public Prosecutor's Office in Incheon Public Prosecutor's Office in the same Act.

【Criminal Facts】

[2013 Highest 2752] Violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (joint residence)

1. On September 12, 2013, the Defendant, in collaboration with C and D, came to the house of the victim F on the 12:00 YY E and the 2nd floor in Bupyeong-si, Seocheon-gu, 2013, and confirmed that D was an abandoned house, and C was divided into the first class and confirmed that D was an abandoned house, and C, the Defendant removed the window screen, intruded the victim’s house into the victim’s house, opened the front door, thereby causing DNA to intrude into the victim’s house through the front door, thereby bringing about KRW 26,00,00 in total, including one point, and one point, and the clothes, etc., of the market price, which was 26,000 won.

2. The Defendant, in collaboration with C, came to the Victim H’s house located in Suwon-si G Housing No. 101 at around 12:00 of the 11st of the same month, and confirmed that C was an abandoned house by opening the door, and thereafter, the Defendant removed the window screen by breaking up the gas pipeline installed on the wall, and installed the window.
