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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2015.11.18 2015고단3296


A Imprisonment with prison labor of one year and two months, one year of imprisonment with prison labor of Defendant B, eight months of imprisonment with prison labor of Defendant C and Defendant D.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendants A and B, along with F, conspiredd with Defendant A and F to share the difference by taking advantage of F’s proposal, with Defendant A and F as a fund for the purchase of mobile phones, and Defendant B, with the aforementioned purchase fund, with customers’ purchase of handphones on taxi and then by taking advantage of the difference between them.

At F and on July 18, 2015, the first floor H of the building in Seoul Special Metropolitan City, Nowon-gu, at around 22:30, the Defendants: (a) upon the aforementioned public offering, Defendant A designated F and Defendant B as the place of crime the road adjacent to the Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Gangnam-gu, to the place of purchase of mobile phones; and (b) Defendant B purchased the cell phone in attached Table 30,000 won on July 19, 2015, with the knowledge of the fact that the 4.20,000 won of the market value of the 4.20,000 won of the 4.20,000 won of the market value of the 4.20,000 won of the cell phone purchased the cell phone from the f and Defendant B as the place of purchase of the mobile phone, and Defendant B purchased the cell phone with the cell phone name of the 71st road adjacent to the Gangnam-gu, Seoul.

2. Defendants A and C, along with F, conspiredd with Defendant A and F to share the difference by taking advantage of F’s proposal, with Defendant A and F as the fund for the purchase of mobile phones. Defendant C, with the aforementioned fund for the purchase of mobile phones, intended to have customers purchase the handphones on taxi and sell them.

On August 7, 2015, the Defendants: F and 23:30 on August 7, 2015, at the first floor of the Seoul Special Metropolitan City Nowon-gu G Building H, Defendant A and F, according to the above public offering, have a cell phone purchase fund of KRW 500,000 to Defendant C.
