본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2018.02.02 2016가단15973

1. The Defendant’s KRW 46,252,223 as well as the Plaintiff’s annual rate from June 3, 2016 to February 2, 2018.


1. Basic facts

A. On November 2010, the Plaintiff and the Defendant lived with them on the premise that they were married from May 201, 201. On May 201, 201, the Plaintiff and the Defendant arranged for the subjects to be examined on the premise that they were married.

B. On May 201, the Plaintiff and the Defendant leased a building C, D, and a commercial building in the name of the Plaintiff in the name of KRW 20 million, and KRW 1 million in the monthly rent, and jointly operated the building in the name of “E”. On May 2014, the Plaintiff and the Defendant transferred the said building to F in the name of KRW 79 million and was paid as a bank account in the name of the Defendant’s bank account in the name of the Defendant.

C. Around May 201, the Plaintiff and the Defendant leased G apartment H (G apartment) in the name of the Plaintiff at KRW 45 million, Nam-gu, Dong-gu, Chungcheongnam-gu, Seoul (hereinafter “G apartment”) to live together.

45 million won was loaned by the plaintiff from his father I. D.

On February 2, 2012, the Plaintiff and the Defendant leased the J, K, and Dong-gu, Chungcheongnam-gu (hereinafter “JB”) to the Plaintiff at KRW 70 million in the name of the Plaintiff and moved around May 2012. The said deposit amount was KRW 70 million in the name of the Plaintiff and KRW 25 million in the Plaintiff borrowed from his parents.

(B) The Defendant asserted that the above KRW 25 million was raised as KRW 16 million for the Defendant’s compensation for traffic accident and KRW 9 million for the Plaintiff’s parents. However, there is no evidence to acknowledge that the Defendant appropriated the Defendant’s compensation for traffic accident damages as KRW 16 million. However, in light of the Plaintiff’s respective payment dates of the down payment and remainder under the evidence lease contract No. 2, and each remittance date of the Plaintiff’s parents of KRW 7 and KRW 8, it is deemed that the Plaintiff’s parents lent KRW 25 million from the Plaintiff’s parents.

On May 8, 2014, the above deposit amount of KRW 70 million was paid as the passbook of corporate bank in the name of the defendant after the termination of the JBC lease.

On the receipt of the above deposit, the plaintiff is the defendant.
