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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2013.03.14 2012고합1290 (1)


A Imprisonment of three years and six months and fine of 3,00,000,000 won, Defendant B’s imprisonment of two years and six months and fine of 1,50,000,000.


Punishment of the crime

1. From September 5, 201 to April 20, 201, Defendant A was registered as an individual entrepreneur (D, business registration number, Z, hereinafter “D1”) from around July 27, 201 to around April 20, 201 under the name of “P” corporation established for the purpose of entertainment tavern business, etc. (the trade name of the above entertainment tavern is “U”), and from around July 27, 2010 to around Seoul, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, and from around July 27, 2010, Defendant A changed the business registration number of Defendant C from around July 27, 2010 to around July 27, 201 under the name of Defendant C (D, business registration number, Z, hereinafter “D1”) under the name of Defendant C (the above business registration number, 3D 2, and 3) under the name of Defendant C (the above business registration number).

(No. 9 of the Investigation Records No. 9400 pages). (No. 9400 pages) Operation of each entertainment tavern (the trade name of the above entertainment tavern shall be referred to as “D”) from July 19, 2010, with the trade name of “X” from Seoul, Gangnam-gu and the 19th floor on the ground of “X” is operated, and Defendant A is a person who actually runs an entertainment drinking house “U”, “D” and “X”, Defendant A’s friendship, and Defendant A’s friendship, who comprehensively manages and supervises the entire business on the site of “U” and “D”, and Defendant C is a head of the second term term “the individual business entity of “D” and the representative director of “stock company”, Defendant D is a corporation established for the purpose of entertainment tavern business, etc., and Defendant A is a person who takes charge of affairs related to entertainment drinking tickets using “X” as a management director of a hotel.

2. Defendant A’s entertainment tavern and hotel entertainment tavern “U” are under the ground of the “P” hotel located in Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentO.
