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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2013.09.27 2013고단1832

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal Power] On March 10, 2008, the Defendant was sentenced to a fine of two million won for a violation of the Road Traffic Act (driving) at the Incheon District Court, and two million won for a fine at the Suwon District Court on December 6, 2010, respectively.

【Criminal Facts】

The defendant is a holder of a Cchip car, who is engaged in driving of the above vehicle.

On May 30, 2013, the Defendant driven the said car without a driver’s license with a blood alcohol content of 0.099% under the influence of alcohol without a driver’s license, and driven the said car at a speed of 70 km per hour at a speed of 70 km per hour, depending on the front side of the Singun-si 1624-8 “Seoul Metropolitan City People’s Republic of Korea People’s Republic of Korea,” a two-lane of the two-lane road in front of the “Seoul Metropolitan City People’s Republic of Korea People’s Republic of Korea,” at a distance of

At the time, there was a duty of care to reduce the speed to those engaged in driving, and to prevent accidents in advance by driving safely by checking well the right and the right of the front side of the vehicle.

Nevertheless, the Defendant, while driving at the front of the instant car, she was under the influence of alcohol, she was able to take the left side side side of the victim D's Eone Star-cock vehicle and the front side of the said passenger vehicle in front of the said passenger vehicle, and she was able to take back the front side of the victim F driver's G Kackn vehicle standing on the front side of the said passenger vehicle and she was able to take back the front side side of the said passenger vehicle and the front side of the said Hackp motor vehicle that she was parked on the right side due to the shock of the said Kack-cock vehicle with the front side side side of the said Hack-cock vehicle and the front side side of the said Kack-cock vehicle with the front side side side side side side of the said Kack-cock vehicle.

The Defendant, by its occupational negligence, thereby causing injury to the victim D (year 47) who is the driver of the said Lone Star Co., Ltd. to approximately two weeks of age, such as salt and tensions, and around two weeks of age to the victim I (V, 48 years of age) who is the passenger, for approximately two weeks of age.
