본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원동부지원 2020.09.15 2020고합53

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for five years.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete the sexual assault treatment program for 40 hours.


. The decision to grant the good will of the deceased;

Paragraph 3 of the Decision (65~67,83 of the Evidence Records) (No part of the clothes shall be sleeped or slicked directly, and no part may be slicked) brut on one occasion.

Then, I continued to do so, and required to do so.

At that time, the lower is equally the same TV report.

Modern in panty, and the need to be kept in hand.

Habing up (hing up by hand) sathers (hing up by hand) and her to do so.

엄마보고 떡볶이 사달라고 했어요.

(B) If so, only one of the following reasons:

4. She continued to meet and met on the right side to the skin.

판시 제4항 (증거기록 68 ~ 70면) 입술 안에 혓바닥 넣고 엄마가 보는데도 하고 있고 그래서 엄마가 하지 말라 하지 말라 했는데도 계속 그랬어요.

(Worma's satise satise satise satise satise satise satise satise satise).

It is necessary to see that Worma was under the influence of the State.

The following is negative. Hexa **, Azer, kisck, and kisk.

It is required to go back from a large bank to a ward, and kisk.

Worma, I am I am I am I am I am I am.

Paragraph 5 (No. 70 to 71 of the evidence record) of the ruling, even if there is no string on the following day, and he/she also sawd to do so.

Orala and Russura

Worma had taken place at the time of mooring, and even when he had taken place, it was required to do so.

(B) At the time of the mooring, it was contained only in the drafting, and the other matters.)

B. The victim under the investigation conducted by the investigative agency and stated that "I am her body could not be mixed," and that "I am her body could not be mixed." The victim's mother stated "I am her body at the investigative agency" from the victim that "I am her body "I am her body? I am ? I am ' I am ' I am ? I am ' I am '. I am ' I am ? I am '. I am ' before I am her body?. I am her body before I am her body."
