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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.05.23 2019고단752

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

Seized evidence 4 shall be confiscated.


Punishment of the crime

The Singing Organization is an organization which committed the crime by sending money under the pre-collection of the victims under the pretext of commission, repayment security deposit, etc. by communicating the victims to an unspecified number of victims by means of telephone or other means, etc., or by falsely pretending to the investigative agency to withdraw money from the account of the victim, etc., and then receiving it. It is an organization that has committed the crime by means of communication. It is operated in the form of an organization using a mobile phone communication such as a “induction” to transfer money to a large number of unspecified victims by telephone or to keep the money at a certain place; a “induction” to withdraw or collect the money transferred or stored; a “induction” to transfer the money received from the withdrawal to an “induction”; or a “induction” to transfer the money received from the withdrawal to an “induction”; and in preparation for the arrest of the investigative agency, it is operated in the form of a mutual communication with each other by using a “induction phone” or “C” mobile phone.

On January 20, 2019, the Defendant proposed that “I will receive money from customers and deposit money into our account designated by us.” The Defendant, despite being aware of the crime of Bosing, intended to play a role of remitting the money sources to the employees of Bosing the money sources to the employees of Bosing the money. In order to punish the money, the Defendant conspired with the employees of Bosing the money and victims in order to commit fraud.

1. On January 23, 2019, in order to establish a 'Maspbook by telephone call to the victim F and misrepresenting the staff of G Bank', the employee will receive a loan from other financial institutions because it is possible to lower credit rating and make a loan available.
