1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.
2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.
1. Basic facts
가. 당사자 관계 1) 피고는 ‘C’라는 상호로 공연기획업 등의 사업을 하는 개인사업자이고, ‘D’는 피고에 소속된 혼성 팝페라 듀엣 가수이다. 2) E은 자녀인 원고를 사업자로 하여 ‘F’라는 상호로 사업자등록을 마친 후 홍보, 연예인 매니지먼트 등의 사업을 하였다.
B. On October 1, 2012, E entered into a management agreement of the instant case (hereinafter “the instant management agreement”) with the Defendant to provide management services for the “D” to the Defendant and to divide the profits therefrom (hereinafter “the instant management agreement”).
(2) The main contents of the instant entertainment agreement are as follows: (a) the parties indicated in the agreement as F Representative A; (b) the main contents of the instant entertainment agreement are as follows.
F(대표 A, 이하 ‘갑’이라 칭함)와 C(대표 B, 이하 ‘을’이라 칭함)는 팝페라 듀엣 ‘D’(G, H)의 매니지먼트 계약에 관하여 다음과 같이 계약한다.
Article 2 (Rights and Duties of “A”
1. “A” is responsible for the contribution of “D” broadcasts (TV, radio), and media ( newspapers, online) publicity, and provides maximum entertainment to enhance the public recognition guidance of “D”.
Accordingly, all the expenses ( personnel expenses, public relations expenses, progress expenses, etc.) shall be the responsibility of "A".
2. A shall plan the events and performances of “D” in cooperation with “B”.
3. “A” and “B” share the schedule of “D” and their broadcasts with the top priority.
Article 3 (Rights and Duties of “B”)
1. “B” shall cooperate to the maximum extent possible for the management of “D”’s “D.”
- Support for existing sound records and sound sources - Reporting materials, photographs, video images, etc. - Expenses for contributing broadcasting (transport expenses, parliamentary expenses, system expenses, etc.) are the responsibility of “B”.
2. The term “B” shall manage the website of “D”.
3. “B” shall consult and manage the schedule of “A” and “D” and shall always share all schedule.