본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 2019.08.21 2018가단118596
부당이득금 등 청구

1. The defendant

(a) the same list as each brick structure listed in paragraphs 1 and 6 of the Schedule 1;


1. In fact, from around 1989, the Defendant occupied each part of the annexed sheet 2,100,000 square meters of land C and 2,100,000 square meters (hereinafter “instant land”) owned by the Plaintiff, and installed and used each structure listed in the annexed sheet 1 above.

[Reasons for Recognition] Fact that there is no dispute, Gap 2-5 evidence, the result of this court's request for surveying and appraisal of the Korea Land Information Corporation, the purport of the whole pleadings

2. Determination:

A. The Defendant, as the owner of the instant land, is obligated to remove each structure listed in the separate sheet No. 1, deliver the part of the land, and return the amount of profit earned from the possession and use of the said land after June 19, 2008, as the Plaintiff seeks.

B. The amount of unjust enrichment returned is the amount equivalent to the rent of the real estate. The rent after June 19, 2008 in each part of the attached Table 2, which the defendant occupied and used among the land in this case, is as follows.

(감정인 D의 차임감정 결과). 순 번 임료산정기간 기초가격(원) 기간 실질임료(원) 월간 실질임료(원) 1 2008. 6. 19. ~ 2008. 6. 30. 5,039,600 2,515 6,290 2 2008. 7. 1. ~ 2009. 6. 30. 5,039,600 75,590 6,290 3 2009. 7. 1. ~ 2010. 6. 30. 4,764,400 71,460 5,950 4 2010. 7. 1. ~ 2011. 6. 30. 4,953,600 74,300 6,190 5 2011. 7. 1. ~ 2012. 6. 30. 5,039,600 75,590 6,290 6 2012. 7. 1. ~ 2013. 6. 30. 5,366,400 80,490 6,700 7 2013. 7. 1. ~ 2014. 6. 30. 5,624,400 84,360 7,030 8 2014. 7. 1. ~ 2015. 6. 30. 5,830,800 87,460 7,280 9 2015. 7. 1. ~ 2016. 6. 30. 6,123,200 91,840 7,650 10 2016. 7. 1. ~ 2017. 6. 30. 6,415,600 96,230 8,010 11 2017. 7. 1. ~ 2018. 6. 30. 6,742,400 101,130 8,420 12 2018. 7. 1. ~ 2019. 6. 30. 7,327,200 109,900 9,150 13 2019. 7. 1. ~ 9,150 합 계 950,865 따라서 피고는 원고에게 이 사건 토지 중 피고가 점유사용하고 있는 별지2 목록 기재 각 부분의 2008. 6. 19.부터 2019. 6. 30...
