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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2017.11.17 2017고합397

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

A person who applies for a medical care and custody shall be punished.


Criminal facts

The facts leading up to the medical care and custody cause [criminal facts] The defendant and the victim C (the 31 years old), who was able to discern things or make decisions due to the symptoms of various serious symptoms, such as the view, exchange, decline of judgment, inappropriate large-scale relationship, impulse, social decline, etc., discovered the victim C (the 31-year old age), who was bread while under the influence of alcohol at the village center of the Seongbuk-gu Seoul Metropolitan City Consumer Center, and returned to the house with the infant under the influence of alcohol in the park, and found the victim C (the 31-year age), who was a dangerous object, purchased the victim's body part above the left part of the victim's body at one time, and brought about the victim's desire to injure the victim by taking into account the injury of the victim by taking into account the 3-year symptoms, etc., at the price.

[Facts of the cause of the medical care and custody] The Defendant is a mentally and physically disabled person with various symptoms of mental illness, such as his/her reputation, refund, degradation of judgment, inappropriate relationship, impulse, social degradation, etc., and was committing the same crime as indicated in the judgment below which constitutes imprisonment without labor or heavier punishment, but needs to receive medical treatment at the treatment and custody facility, and is in danger of recidivism.

Summary of Evidence

1. The legal statement of the witness C;

1. A set of on-site CCTV CDs;

1. Each investigation report (on-site conditions, two copies of photographs attached, hearing of witnesses' statements, field lags, and CCTV reading);

1. The part and degree of injury in the judgment: Two copies of a photograph of the head of the victim's head and a medical certificate of injury;

1. The need for the treatment as indicated in the judgment and the risk of recidivism: A mental diagnosis report (the defendant requires a long-term mental process interview treatment, medication treatment, etc. with respect to symptoms, such as the network, exchange, depreciation of judgment, inappropriate large-scale relationship, impulse, social degradation, etc., and medical care for the possibility of recidivism by the same disease if not received.
