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텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원 2018.05.03 2018고합38

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete a sexual assault treatment program for 80 hours.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is the president of D in Kimhae-si, and the victim E (V, 24 years old) and victim F (17 years old) are the employees of the above beauty art room.

The Defendant, from February 4, 2018 to February 22:00 of the same day, provided the victims with an education at the beauty art room from February 4, 2018, as the head room, and then, to the victim F.

C. The victim E shows the son’s writing to the victim E, and read it. However, the victim E cannot read it. The victim’s “scars are not successful.”

"........" The victims are the victims' cell phone opening, and "...., after reading and understanding the writing written in the head of the personal phone camera, the head of the room will be seen.

The victims may be able to be able to get the victims to drink by verbal abuse, etc. for about one hour, such as “(1)” and “(2) the victims may be able to get the victims off their clothes in front of them.”

"..... on the same day, around 22:04, the victim F was allowed to lock the cosmetic door, was exempted from all his clothes in the two skins, and "......., in the 2nds room, was off from the victim, she was off first.

The victim E, after having the victims of frightened, frightened with all clothes, has the victims frightened with the fright, and the victim E knicked with the f's sexual organ in front and rear, and died with the victim F in front and rear.

After the phrase "after the victim E had the victim E take the sexual organ of the victim F with his hand and scambling it several times.

The defendant continued to receive clothes from the victims and made them mixed with the desire of the victims, which is a crime of causing the victims E to live.

The victim E is the victim E with verbal abuse called "I wish to talk with another male because he or she had a past male-friendly system" due to his or her desire, and the victim E is the victim's head.
