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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2021.02.18 2020고단4437


A Imprisonment for one year and each of the defendants B shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime


A listen to the fact that a person is entitled to receive money from a person without the name of the victim (referred to as the “I”) known in the Peston North Korea by stealing precious metal from the victim (referred to as the “I”), and the specific method of committing a crime, etc., and whether there is any idea that I would like to say that I would be able to collect money from the victim B, who would be entitled to obtain money from the victim B.

As seen, Defendant B’s consent was obtained.

Therefore, Defendant A sent gold to Defendant B by using a telegram message with a method of shouldering the room and the entrance glass, Defendant B, accordingly, told Defendant A to have the door door glass known to Defendant A and carried it out with precious metal, and then Defendant A shared the role of selling precious metal as above and shared money.

1. From October 4, 2020 to 02:35, Defendant A attempted to cut the precious metal by leaving Defendant B with a telegram message from the victim D in Daejeon Dong-gu, Daejeon-gu, by informing Defendant B of the location of the “F” bank, and “this door is not a iron door so walking the banner, walking the door door at the shoulder door, leaving the door door, and leaving the door door at the lock door.” Accordingly, Defendant B attempted to cut the “F” door at the front of the above day at the same time. However, Defendant B attempted to cut the precious metal by getting the door door prepared in advance, and attempted to cut it into the door, but failed to carry out the attempted business without carrying the glass.

Accordingly, the Defendants conspired to commit an attempted theft of the victim's property by destroying part of the structure at night and impairing the structure.

2. The Defendant A’s attempted special larceny against the Victim G continues to exist on the same day at around 03:25 on the same day and operated by Defendant B by Defendant B using a telegram message from the World War II-gu H 1st century.
