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텍스트 조절
(영문) 울산지방법원 2018.04.18 2017고단3762

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. On March 31, 2014, the Defendant committed the crime: (a) around March 31, 2014, at the trading commercial office of the mutual infinite-dong, Nam-gu, Ulsan-gu; and (b) on March 31, 2014, the Defendant calls the victim C to call the victim C to pay money.

20 million won was borrowed and falsely stated that he/she shall be repaid within one month.

However, even if the Defendant received money from the injured party as above, it was thought that it would be used as the fund to prevent the return of the existing other debt, and there was no asset in the name of the Defendant, while there was no asset in the name of the Defendant, on the other hand, a debt such as a loan of a financial institution was equivalent to KRW 71,7260,000, and there was no intention or ability to

Nevertheless, the defendant deceivings the victim as above, and acquired it by transfer from the victim to the foreign exchange bank account under the name of the defendant on the same day.

2. On July 30, 2014, the Defendant stated that “Around July 24, 2014, the Defendant would repay the card value without molding two months after lending KRW 20 million to the victim F who was working as the Ulsan-gu Police Station D Team office in Ulsan-gu, Ulsan-gu, Seoul-gu, Police Station investigation and E team leader.”

However, even if the Defendant received money from the injured party as above, it was thought that it would be used as the fund to prevent the return of the existing other debt, and there was no asset in the name of the Defendant, while there was no asset in the name of the Defendant, on the other hand, a debt such as a loan of a financial institution was equivalent to KRW 71,7260,000, and there was no intention or ability to

Nevertheless, the defendant deceivings the victim as above, and he received KRW 20 million from the victim on the 30th day of the same month from the victim and acquired it by deceit.

Summary of Evidence

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. The defendant;
