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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.10.23 2015고단5291

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.


Punishment of the crime

피고인은 중국 모바일 메신저인 위챗(Wechat, 웨이신)을 통하여 성명불상의 전화금융사기조직원이 취업 등을 빙자하여 모집한 체크카드와 비밀번호 등을 퀵서비스를 통해 전달받은 다음, 전화금융사기 피해자들이 송금한 돈을 인출하여 성명불상자에게 송금하고 그 대가로 일정 금액을 받기로 마음먹었다.

1. On March 24, 2015, a telephone financial fraud assistance employee in the name of a fraud using computers, etc. falsely pretended to the effect that he/she had no use of his/her deposit passbook in the financial fraud case, and that “the passbook in the name of the son was used in the financial fraud case, and in order to verify the existence of a suspicion, she shall access the website known to us and enter the information.” After allowing the victim to enter the financial transaction information by leading the victim to the Internet site of the Financial Supervisory Service, he/she then transferred KRW 5 million from the NA’s account to the NAF bank account without authority, using the financial transaction information, such as the Nong bank account number, security card number, and password acquired from the victim, and then, transferred KRW 5 million from the NAF’s account to the NAF account without authority.

On March 24, 2015, according to the above criminal action plan, the Defendant withdrawn KRW 4,990,000 by using a check card (credit number I) connected to the account of the community credit cooperatives under H’s name, which was delivered in advance, at the 3-21 luminous-based luminous-ro, luminous-ro, 3-21, and 3-21, in a cash withdrawal at the luminous-ro.

Accordingly, the defendant, in collusion with the above-mentioned person, entered information without authority into the data processing device, such as computer, etc., and obtained 5 million won property benefits.

2. On October 30, 2014, the telephone financial fraud assistance employee in the name of fraud is a loan, and the fact is a non-permanent location.
