본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 평택지원 2018.08.22 2018고단1208

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

Seized evidence Nos. 1 and 2 shall be confiscated from the accused.


Punishment of the crime

The telephone financial fraud criminal organization consists of three forms: (a) cash collection books that play the role of collecting the money that victims have left by approaching the victim through misrepresentation of investigation agencies, financial institutions, and forceless phone calls; (b) cash collection books that look at the scene before the cash collection books arrive at the site; and (c) surveillance records that take the role of checking the scene before the cash collection books arrive at the site; and (d) cash remittance books that remits the money to the overseas by such methods as restitution of money.

성명 불상자( 위 챗 아이디 ‘C’) 는 조직원들을 관리하면서 불특정 다수에게 검찰청 수사관, 검사를 사칭하여 불특정 다수의 피해자들에게 전화를 하는 보이스 피 싱 총책, 유인책이고, 피고 인은 위 성명 불상자의 지시를 받아 피해 자로부터 현금을 건네받는 현금 수거 책이다.

The Defendant, while taking charge of each of the above roles with his name-free persons, conspired to commit the phishing fraud in order.

On July 11, 2018, 09:18, a name-free person is a public prosecutor E of the former Local Public Prosecutor's Office.

The presidential passbook issued in the name of the party was used for the crime.

Political parties are suspected of being accomplices.

In order to prove that the money remaining in the current current account is not an amount related to a crime, 25 million won has been withdrawn from the HY account and 25 million won has been sent to the employee of the Financial Supervisory Service sent by us.

“The purpose of “ was to make a false representation.”

However, there was no prosecutor, and there was no fact that the victim's account was used for the crime.

이후 피고인은 같은 날 14:55 경 평택시 F에 있는 ‘G’ 앞 도로에서 성명 불상 자로부터 채팅 어 플인 위챗을 통해 ‘ 피해자를 만 나...
