본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2017.07.26 2017나1279
건물철거 및 소유권이전등기

1. The plaintiff's primary and conjunctive claims that are changed alternatively in this court are all dismissed.



1. Basic facts

A. The deceased N (the deceased on February 29, 200; hereinafter “the deceased”) acquired the ownership on November 3, 1969 with respect to the land of 985 square meters in Kimcheon-si, Kimcheon-si (hereinafter “the land of this case”). The ownership registration was completed on November 3, 1969, but the name of the owner was changed from T on the ground of mistake on December 30, 1972; the ownership registration was made on August 18, 1984; the ownership transfer registration was made on the ground of sale on April 23, 1993; the ownership transfer registration was made on the ground of auction on July 25, 2007; and the ownership transfer registration was made on July 26, 2007 due to the compulsory auction on July 25, 2007.

B. On August 8, 197, the Deceased completed the registration of ownership transfer on the land for religious land of 274 square meters (hereinafter “instant L”) attached to the north-dong of the instant M on August 8, 197. The registration of ownership transfer was completed on the ground of inheritance on February 29, 2000 by Quadog-Support 200Kadan818, on April 19, 200, Quadog filed an application for subrogation on the ground of the claim preservation by the provisional injunction order against the provisional injunction against the disposal of real estate. On April 20, 200, the Defendants, the deceased’ heir of the instant M, the registration of ownership transfer was completed on the ground of inheritance on February 29, 200.

(The respective shares of Defendant B21/105, Defendant C, D, E, F, G 14/105, Defendant H6/105, Defendant I and J 4/105, respectively).

The building of 73.44 square meters (hereinafter “the building of this case”) is a building constructed on the part of a ship connected in order to each point of 10, 7, 11, 12, 13, 5, and 10 square meters in the attached Form No. 10, 7, 11, 12, 13, 5, and 10.

The Deceased completed the registration of ownership preservation on October 2, 1986 with respect to the building of this case after obtaining approval for use on November 14, 1977, and the registration of ownership preservation was completed on October 2, 1986. As Qindo Council filed an application for subrogation on April 19, 200 for the ground of the preservation of the claim based on the provisional injunction order against the prohibition of real estate disposal as of April 19, 200, the Deceased on April 20, 2000.
