본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원 속초지원 2015.06.17 2015고단193


A and C Imprisonment for 8 months, 1 year of imprisonment for Defendant B, 6 months of imprisonment for Defendant D and 3 million won of fine.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A

(a) No domestic fee-charging job placement service provider who violates the Employment Security Act shall offer a job placement, recruit workers, or supply workers with the aim of having them find a job for engaging in sexual traffic or other obscene acts;

Nevertheless, the Defendant, when performing fee-charging job placement services registered with the competent authority under the name of "J" in the Seocho-si, the Defendant recruited female entertainment workers to work at a single entertainment establishment in the inner area where sexual traffic or bals are made a crypted referring to the drinking or the chest of female entertainment workers who flow in the chest, and agreed to receive KRW 10,00 per hour from the above entertainment workers under the pretext of simple drinking or shock or sexual traffic with customers, and the Defendant agreed to receive KRW 10,000 per hour from the above entertainment workers under the pretext of introduction expenses from among the profits generated from the said entertainment business. Upon receiving the contact that the above entertainment workers will send entertainment workers from the front area of the front area, the Defendant was engaged in a news report entertainment business under the name of the entertainment workers who put them into the entertainment business.

around January 14, 2014, the Defendant introduced K as an entertainment entertainment drinking house in the mutual infinite city of Gangwon, and the Defendant received 30,000 won from the said entertainment drinking house to June 6, 2013, including L, “M”, “N”, “O”, “P”, and “ Q” (average 5 to 6 persons per day) with the entertainment workers who are called entertainment workers or shocks, and received the monthly average of 250,000 won from the said entertainment entertainment drinking workers with the entertainment drinking expenses.

As a result, the defendant provided job placement services for the purpose of having sexual traffic or other obscene acts be employed in a job.

B. The Defendant committed a crime against the victim L of intimidation.
