본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.06.23 2015가단1268

1. As to the land stated in paragraph (7) of the attached list in the attached list to the Plaintiff, the Defendant’s Government Registry of the District Court on October 1992.


1. Basic facts

A. In the land survey division of Yangju-gun, drawn up under the Japanese occupation period, C preceding 177 is indicated as being subject to the circumstances of E, F, 1,458, in D, E, G preceding 2,319, in D, and H 1, in the forest survey division of B completed at the same time, H 1,000, in the forest survey division of B, written at the same time, is indicated as being subject to the circumstances of J with I.

B. The land prior to the instant partition became the following land through the division, administrative district alteration, and area conversion, etc.

(M) On November 30, 1962, the cadastral restoration was made on November 30, 1962 with L, 585 square meters (17 square meters) prior to L, 317 square meters (96 square meters, and the land indicated in attached Table 1) and M, 268 square meters (8 square meters, 81 square meters, and 4 attached Table) on March 22, 1973.

② On December 28, 1964, F had been restored to N or O land before December 28, 1964, and among which, on June 30, 1966, P had been divided into 152 square meters before P, Q, 261 square meters before Q, and 284 square meters before R, and on April 4, 2006, 152 square meters before P was divided into 100 square meters before P (attached Table 2) and 52 square meters before S (attached Table 3).

③ On December 28, 1964, G previous 2,319 square meters (240 square meters), U 793 square meters (240 square meters), five thousand square meters (1758 square meters), five preceding 5,811 square meters (1758 square meters), and 932 square meters (282 square meters) prior to W. Of these, T total 793 square meters was divided into T on June 18, 1969 and T total 757 square meters and 36 square meters prior to X (22 square meters prior to W on August 11, 1969, and 932 square meters prior to W on February 29, 196, the land category was changed to 754 square meters prior to W and 178 square meters prior to W on May 5, 1968).

④ On November 30, 1963, land category was changed to a road on April 20, 1983, when land category was changed to a road.

(Attached 7) The land specified in attached Table 7;

The Defendant’s Government Registry No. 42987 received on November 1, 1993, and No. 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the Schedule No. 1, 2, and 38242 received on October 27, 1992, respectively.
