본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 고양지원 2018.11.30 2017가단81676

1. The Plaintiff:

A. Defendant B shall pay the amount of KRW 58,013,080 and the amount of KRW 50,896,540 from July 6, 2017 to the date of full payment.


1. Fact-finding;

A. The Plaintiff is a management body established with all sectional owners as members pursuant to Article 23 of the Act on the Ownership and Management of Aggregate Buildings for the purpose of the management and operation of “A”, an aggregate building of the E 4th and the 10th above ground (hereinafter “instant building”).

Article 3 (Definition of Terms) (2) The term "Possessor" means a person who has ownership and directly rents and uses it in a building.

(3) The term "in braille" means a person who occupies or uses the relevant section for exclusive use with the consent of a sectional owner and is not a sectional owner, and refers to a person who occupies or uses leaseholds, chonsegwon, etc. (based).

(5) The term "managing body" means the board of directors of the managing body, building management company, and project undertaker who manages the relevant building, etc.

Article 5 (Obligation to Observe Regulations, etc.) All sectional owners, occupants, occupants, users, etc. are obligated to faithfully observe regulations, general management regulations, etc. in order to maintain a smooth common life and to maintain the order of a building.

Article 6 (Effect of Regulations) (1) The effect of this Regulations shall also be effective for those who succeed from sectional owners and possessors (special successors).

(2) A possessor shall have the same duty as that to be borne by a sectional owner in accordance with this regulations in connection with the use of buildings, sites, and annex facilities.

Article 7 (Right and Duty of Section 1) (8) Liability to bear and pay management expenses incurred in the maintenance and management of a building (9) Liability to give all the expenses incurred in the management of the common part of this building to the possessor and user who occupies and uses the occupied part of the sectional owner, such as the management rules (management expenses and collection) (1) liability to give all the expenses incurred in the management of the common part of this building, and to bear management expenses in proportion to the size of the common

(2) Where a possessor fails to pay management expenses, he/she shall be liable to pay such expenses and owned by an aggregate building.
