1. Plaintiff (Counterclaim Defendant) who exceeded the following part concerning the counterclaim of the judgment of the court of first instance.
1. In the first instance trial on the scope of this court’s trial, the Plaintiff sought the return of excessive insurance money paid to the Defendant on the ground that the Plaintiff paid excessive insurance money to the Defendant, and the Defendant sought additional insurance money to the Plaintiff as a counterclaim.
On the other hand, the court of first instance dismissed the plaintiff's main claim, and declared a judgment accepting part of the defendant's counterclaim. The judgment of the court of first instance only appealed against the plaintiff, and asserts that the plaintiff's obligation to pay insurance money to the defendant is KRW 270,000,000 as stated in the purport of appeal.
Therefore, the object of this Court's adjudication is limited to the amount of insurance claims against the plaintiff, which is the part of the defendant's counterclaim.
2. The court's explanation concerning this part of the damages liability is the same as the corresponding part of the judgment of the court of first instance. Thus, it is citing this as it is by the main text of Article 420 of the Civil Procedure Act.
3. In principle, a period of time for calculating the scope of liability for damages shall be calculated on a monthly basis, but less than the last month and less than KRW 10 shall be discarded.
The calculation of the current value at the time of the accident shall be based on the reduction rate of 5/12 percent per month to deduct the interim interest.
가. 일실수입 ⑴ 인정사실 및 평가 내용 ㈎ 성별: 남자 생년월일: G생 기대여명: 30.55년 단축된 여명 종료일: 2037. 10. 16. 가동기간: 군복무를 종료한 2011. 7. 16.부터 60세가 되는 2049. 10. 15.까지 ㈏ 직업 및 소득: 도시 일용노임을 적용하되, 여명 종료일 다음날인 2037. 10. 17.부터는 생계비로 수입의 1/3을 공제한다.
㈐ 노동능력상실률: 100%(뇌 기능 및 운동기능의 심각한 저하, 맥브라이드 장해평가표 Ⅸ-B-4항 적용) ⑵ 계산: 380,839,342원(자세한 내역은 아래 일실수입 계산표 기재와 같다. 원 미만 버림, 이하 같다) [일실수입계산표] 기간초일 기간말일 노임단가 일수 월수입 생계비...