A Imprisonment for 8 months, 6 months, 3 million won, 3 million won, and 3 million won.
Punishment of the crime
A From September 22, 2011, from around 2, 2011, a business owner operating the “J” game room in the 13th floor of Ulsan-gu I, Ulsan-gu. Defendant B was in charge of the operation of the game room in the name of the president who was registered as the representative of the game room from November 29, 2013.
D From October 2015, Defendant C served as an employee of the game site from March 2016 to Defendant C, and Defendant E as an employee of the game site from July 20, 2016.
No one shall engage in the business of converting into money or arranging exchange or re-purchase of tangible or intangible results obtained through the use of game water.
Nevertheless, the Defendants conspired with each other from around September 22, 201 (Defendant B from around November 29, 2013; Defendant D from around October 2015; Defendant C from around March 2016 to around October 17, 2016; Defendant E from around July 2016 to around October 17, 2016; Defendant E provided the “J game in the “west-to-face” game; “from around 30,000,00 won for each 10,000 won for customers; and exchanged game outcome by cash.
Summary of Evidence
1. Defendants’ respective legal statements
1. Police seizure records;
1. Application of Acts and subordinate statutes to a money exchange image closure;
1. Article 44 (1) 2 and Article 32 (1) 7 of the Act on the Promotion of respective Game Industry, the relevant Act on the Promotion of Criminal Facts, the Selection of Punishment, and Article 30 of the Criminal Act (Appointment of fines to Defendant A, Defendant C, D, and E)
1. Article 70(1) and Article 69(2) of the Criminal Act (Defendant C, D, and E) (Article 70(1) and Article 69(2) of the Criminal Act;
1. Reasons for sentencing under Article 44 (2) of the Act on the Promotion of Confiscation Industry, Article 48 (1) 1 and 2 of the Criminal Act (Defendant B, subparagraphs 1 through 14 of the same Article, game machine and criminal proceeds, etc.);
1. Defendant A
(a) Class 2 (Special Sentencing) (business of arranging exchange, arranging exchange, and re-purchase) (business) mitigation factors, such as recommendation of sentencing guidelines [the type] type of recommendation [the types of determination] and provision of illegal game products and illegal game products: self-denunciation or internal accusation.