본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원강릉지원 2016.11.29 2016나50433

1.The judgment of the first instance, including a claim modified or added in the trial, shall be modified as follows:

The defendant.


1. The facts of recognition (i.e., L is increased by the plaintiffs, E (name after the name is changed is M) is equal to the plaintiffs, and F is referred to the plaintiffs.

The original copy is E'N's title, and F's title is ‘N', and F' is a copy of the family register of death (Evidence No. 8) on December 19, 1969, and F's death on December 9, 1969. The above date is a negative record, which is December 9, 1963, and is a physical record.

On January 23, 1964, H (the plaintiff's birth) testified to the effect that the F was written as deceased on December 29, 1969 on the wind that the death report was made late after the death report.

The plaintiff B is stated as having succeeded to Australia.

Sheshe initially resided in theO in the same year, and moved in the P in the same year, and lived with his/her family members.

E died on July 26, 1952, and L died on September 25, 1957.

E, as seen above, purchased Q 5 square meters and 357 square meters prior to Q prior to Q in the East Sea around 1942 and completed the registration of ownership transfer in its name, and family members cultivated the above land as a dry field from that time. On January 14, 2002, Plaintiff B inherited each of the above land and completed the registration of ownership transfer in its name (the inheritance due to the consultation division on July 26, 1952).

Article 28(1) of the former Cadastral Act (amended by Act No. 2801, Dec. 28, 1972; hereinafter “amended by Act No. 2801, Dec. 28, 1972”) provides that “The owner of the previous forest land register prepared before the enforcement of the Cadastral Act (amended by Act No. 2801, Dec. 31, 1975; hereinafter “amended by Act No. 2801, Dec. 28, 1972”); and the current forest land register also contains the aforementioned contents.

There is no real estate register for the current land.

x 331 m20 m200 m2 before D in the East Sea.

on April 30, 1958, the land cadastre was made before the enforcement of the amended Cadastral Act.
