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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2021.03.25 2021고단437

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


Punishment of the crime

The telephone finance fraud organization will provide loans to unspecified victims in Korea by misrepresenting them to the employees of financial institutions through Internet telephone, etc. in areas where it is difficult to trace by China or other domestic investigation agencies.

The victims deceiving victims and allowing them to transfer or deposit money without a passbook to their own account or receive money from the victims, and committing the crime by means of " Bosishing," which is a cryping, which is an organization that takes charge of the whole crime and takes charge of organic communication between the internal point organizations, "total liability," "management measures," which administers internal investigators under the instructions of the general responsibility, and educates and instructs the victims to collect and instruct the method of deception and cash collection, etc., "induction and call center," "induction and call center," "induction and call center," "induction and call center," which misleads victims by deceiving the government agencies, etc. by carrying out calls from many unspecified victims, or by receiving money from the victims directly. In doing so, the defendant is operating the entire crime in the form of arrest of the victim, and the defendant is going to collect money from the telephone financing staff to use for the crime, etc., and the defendant is going to do so in the order to collect money from the telephone financing staff.

On November 2020, 2020, the non-name telephone finance fraud officers call to the victim B and misrepresent the financial staff of C by misrepresenting the victim B, and "67 million won is 4.5% per annum."

However, it goes up to the credit rating for the repayment of existing loans

It is possible to obtain the withdrawal approval, so the existing loans are immediate.
