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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2019.05.10 2018가단125225

1. The Defendants jointly share KRW 15,077,480 with respect to the Plaintiff and 5% per annum from August 15, 2018 to December 8, 2018.


1. The plaintiff's assertion

A. The Plaintiff is an insurer who entered into a comprehensive motor vehicle insurance contract with Nonparty H and I. Defendant D is the driver of JA vehicle (hereinafter referred to as “accident vehicle”), Defendant E is the owner of the accident vehicle, and Defendant F and Defendant G are the parents of Defendant D, who are the duty to protect and supervise Defendant D.

나. 교통사고의 발생 피고 D는 2015. 9. 29. 21:40경 사고차량을 운전하여 대구 수성구 K앞 노상을 두산교 방면에서 수성못오거리 방면으로 편도2차로 중 1차로를 따라 진행하던 중 운전 부주의로 사고차량 좌측부분으로 중앙분리대를 접촉한 후 중심을 잃고 우측으로 튕기면서 인도가로수를 들이받고 넘어져 사고차량의 동승자 L(이하 피해자라 한다.)로 하여금 중상을 입게 하는 사고(이하 이 사건 사고라 한다.)를 야기하였다.

C. The Plaintiff paid KRW 82,577,480 as damages to the victim until August 14, 2018 in accordance with the special agreement on security for non-insurance injury under the comprehensive automobile insurance contract entered into with the victim’s mother, the said H. The Plaintiff paid KRW 82,577,480 as insurance money.

The occurrence and scope of the claim of indemnity 1) The defendant D is a driver who drives an accident vehicle, and the defendant E is liable to compensate for the damage incurred by the victim pursuant to the Guarantee of Automobile Accident Compensation Act as the owner of the accident vehicle, and the defendant F and the defendant G are not responsible for tort under the Civil Act as they failed to fulfill their duty of protection and supervision as the parents of the defendant D, who are a minor. Therefore, the plaintiff is liable for tort under the Civil Act since the victim subrogatedly acquired the damage claim that the plaintiff paid to the defendants in relation to the damage compensation that the plaintiff paid to the defendants in accordance with Article 682 of the Commercial Act. 2) The scope of the claim of indemnity can be claimed against the defendants, since the plaintiff pays 82,57,480 won to the victim as
