본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2018.05.14 2017고단4374

[Defendant B] Defendant B is punished by imprisonment with prison labor and fine of KRW 7,000,00,000, respectively.


B The above fine shall not be paid.


Punishment of the crime


B A Person who actually runs the "K dental clinic" in the building of the YJ and the 2nd floor of Chungcheongnam-gun, Chungcheongnam-gun, and Defendant A is employed by Defendant B and served as the head of the K dental clinic. Defendant C is a person employed by Defendant B and worked as the head of the K dental clinic. Defendant C is an employee of the K dental clinic.

1. Defendant B’s sole criminal conduct

A. The Defendant violated the Medical Service Act, even if not a medical person, established a medical institution for the purpose of profit-making by operating the medical institution under the general control of the management of hospital employees and funds, with the name of “K dental clinic” from around April 7, 2014 to March 31, 2017, under the condition that “K dental clinic” and “A” pay a dentist a monthly salary of KRW 5 million. In addition, the Defendant established a medical institution for the purpose of profit-making by operating the medical institution under the general control of the management of hospital employees and funds.

나. 보건범죄 단속에 관한 특별 조치법위반( 부정의료업자) 피고인은 치과의사가 아니면서 영리를 목적으로, 2015. 11. 12. 경 K 치과의원에서, 치과 치료를 할 수 있도록 진료실, 병실, 치과 의자 3대, 엑스레이 촬영기 1대, 약품을 구비하여 놓고, 위 장비 등을 이용하여 그곳을 찾아온 환자 L( 여, 76세) 의 썩은 이를 떼우고, 틀니를 맞추기 위해 위 환자의 이빨의 인상을 채득( 일명 “ 뽄 뜬다”) 하는 등 보철치료를 하여 주고 치료비 명목으로 117만 원을 받은 것을 비롯하여 2014. 4. 7. 경부터 2017. 3. 31. 경까지 사이에 별지 범죄 일람표 (1) 기 재와 같이 총 1,105회에 걸쳐 환자를 진료하고 그 치료비 명목으로 합계 227,979,700원 상당을 받는 등 치과 의료행위를 업으로 하였다.

2. The sole criminal conduct of the respondent A;

A. The Defendant in violation of the Medical Service Act receives KRW 5 million per month from April 7, 2014 to March 31, 2017, on the condition that he/she receives from K dental clinics, while being aware that B cannot establish a dental clinic due to the lack of a dentist’s license, even though he/she was unable to do so.
