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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 순천지원 2014.07.02 2014고단614

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for three years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

On July 24, 2008, the defendant was subject to the postponement of guidance for special larceny from the Chuncheon District Prosecutors' Office, and was subject to the postponement of guidance for special larceny from the Chuncheon District Prosecutors' Office on August 20, 209, and was subject to the disposition of larceny, etc. on July 8, 2010 at the Chuncheon District Prosecutors' Office, and each juvenile protection case was sent to him/her on September 7, 2010, and was subject to the disposition of transfer of each juvenile protection case from the Suwon District Prosecutors' Office at the jurisdiction of the branch of the Suwon District Prosecutors' Office to the branch of the Suwon District Prosecutors' Office on December 1, 2009; on May 28, 2010; on June 28, 2010; on July 29, 2010; on August 26, 2010, the defendant was subject to the disposition of transfer of each juvenile protection case from the Suwon District Prosecutors' Office to the Juvenile Department on July 16, 2010.

Criminal facts

The Defendant habitually stolen property as follows:

1. On March 31, 2014, around 04:30 on March 31, 2014, the Defendant: (a) when the Defendant was mixed with the Defendant at the E Convenience store operated by the victim D while working as an employee; (b) cash amounting to KRW 750,000, KRW 330,000, KRW 100, KRW 100, KRW 10, KRW 100, KRW 100, KRW 100, KRW 100, KRW 100, KRW 2,325,000; (c) tobacco amounting to KRW 88, KRW 450,00, KRW 156,50; (d) cash amounting to KRW 40, KRW 93,00, KRW 500, KRW 80, KRW 80, KRW 80, KRW 80, KRW 80, KRW 80, KRW 80, volume of cash.

2. On April 3, 2014, the Defendant: (a) around 03:55, at the H convenience store operated by the Victim G in the Net City F, the Defendant carried out money and valuables worth KRW 5,200,000 in total, including transportation cards with charging an amount equivalent to KRW 75,000,000, in cash in a depository located in the Kabter in the manner as referred to in paragraph (1) of the said paragraph; and (b) at the H convenience store operated by the Defendant, the Defendant carried out money and valuables equivalent to KRW 5,20,000 in total, which was displayed in the store.

Summary of Evidence

1. Partial statement of the defendant;

1. The suspect interrogation protocol of I to the prosecution.
