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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2013.03.14 2013고단145

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.


Punishment of the crime

[Modern motive for committing a crime] On October 2006, the Defendant introduced the victim D (28 years of age) who became aware of being a guest while working as a female in Silung City, to a person who had worked in a closed room due to the reasons of the house, while holding the defendant's nurse's license, and putting the victim in cooperation with the victim, using the victim's mind that the victim was willing to marry with the defendant, and used the victim's personal debt repayment, etc.

【Criminal Facts】

Around January and February 2007, the Defendant did not have obtained a nurse’s license and did not have worked at the hospital, and even if the victim’s child was not pregnant, the Defendant made the victim, who was married to the Defendant on behalf of the Defendant, to have the victim pay the said debt on behalf of the Defendant on the ground that “The victim was pregnant at the emergency room of the E Hospital at the time of Sinsi-si, e.g., at the time of Sinsi-si,” and that “the victim’s child was pregnant at the time of birth on the premise of marriage.”

As above, the Defendant, by deceiving the victim, received each of the above F apartment 114 Dong 204 and 204 from the victim, KRW 5 million around February 15, 2007, and KRW 20 million around February 27, 2007.

In addition, even if the defendant did not have been recommended to purchase goods from auction from another person and received money from the victim, he did not intend to purchase the goods at auction because he thought that he would use them to repay the defendant's obligation, and even though he did not married with the victim, he was able to actually marriage the victim with the above F apartment 114 204 around May 207.
