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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2017.02.09 2016고단6487

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment became final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

C is a person who is a "multi-party's general savings account opened to sell another person's house with a high probability of winning the winning of the right to purchase a house and obtains the winning of the right to purchase a house and then resells it at a high price," and the defendant is a person who is a recruitment book to obtain a house to C by using the subscription-related documents, such as the passbook for multi-child households and homeless persons, etc., or by being given a special opportunity to purchase a house due to lack of economic ability, although he/she is not a condition under which multi-child households, homeless persons, etc. can purchase a house, and is not capable

No one shall transfer, acquire, or arrange for the transfer of, an occupant's savings account or his/her status in order to acquire or have to acquire the supply of housing constructed and supplied under the Acts of housing.

1. On August 2012, the Defendant violated the Housing Act following the transfer of an occupant savings certificate, transferred the head of the Tong of the Housing Subscription Comprehensive Savings (New Bank G), the certified copy of the resident registration, the resident registration abstract, etc. to C in the office of E Co., Ltd. located in Busan Metropolitan City, Seo-gu, Busan, and received KRW 1.1 million in return for the transfer of the resident savings certificate.

From that time to January 1, 2015, the Defendant transferred to C a certificate or status that allows C to acquire a house over a total of eight occasions, such as a list of offenses (1) in attached Form 1.

2. A violation of the Housing Act due to the referral of transfer or acquisition of a certificate of savings by an occupant provides that “A person who works as the head of the labor union of E-stock company, a taxi company in Busan City, shall be ordered to pay a premium to the Defendant on the face of his/her heart, such as having no house from among those who work as a taxi engineer, and having been employed as a taxi engineer at E, by offering a passbook, etc. to those who have opened the passbook.” The Defendant introduced C to the nominal owner of the passbook, and then purchased necessary documents, such as the passbook, with C’s funds, and then deliver them to C.
