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텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 정읍지원 2016.07.26 2016고단53

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months and by a fine not exceeding 3,00,000 won.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant and the victim C (V, 40 years old) are in a de facto marital relationship from around 2010 to April 2015.

1. On May 29, 2010, the injured Defendant: (a) at the parking lot adjacent to “E cafeteria” located in Yansan-gu, Seoul Special Metropolitan City on May 29, 2010; (b) at the time, the Defendant, in the process of investigating the case involving the victim, was subject to a warning from the head of the police station in the inside of the Ministry of Information and Communication, on the ground that the victim did not understand himself/herself; and (c) caused bodily injury to the victim, i.e., on the ground that he/she was walking the victim’s bridge, leaving the victim’s bridge up on the floor, leaving the victim’s bridge over the floor for approximately six weeks of medical treatment.

2. Around July 24, 2015, the Defendant assaulted the victim’s desire to take care of his/her son on the following grounds: (a) in a Western park located in the west-gun, Chungcheongnam-gun, Chungcheongnam-do; (b) on the ground that the victim had a different male for the reason that the victim met another male; and (c) on the part of his/her son, he/she saw the victim’s brea at two times.

3. 재물 손괴, 과실 치상 피고인은 2015. 8. 31. 22:10 경 전 북 부안군 F에 있는 피해자 운영의 ‘G 카페 ’에서, 불상 자로부터 피해자가 다른 남성과 동거를 한다는 얘기를 전해 듣고 화가 나 그 곳 카운터 위에 놓여 있던 피해자 소유인 시가 합계 1,520만 원 상당의 포스 기 1대, 컴퓨터 1대, 커피 머신기 1대, 컵 등 집기류, 식재료를 집어던지고, 카운터 세팅 다이 대리석을 깨트려 피해자의 재물을 손괴함과 동시에, 마침 그곳에서 피고인을 말리던 피해자에게 커피 머신 기의 스팀이 분사되도록 하고 컵의 깨진 파편이 튀도록 하여 피해자에게 약 2 주간의 치료가 필요한 발목의 으깸 손 상 등을 입게 하였다.

4. The Defendant interfering with his duties may cause damage by force by preventing customers, who were suffering from a disturbance from entering the relevant car page by avoiding the disturbance in the same manner as the time, place, and place described in paragraph 3.
