1. Defendant ELI Co., Ltd. is 215,560,255 won, Plaintiff B and C respectively, and 137,540,170 won.
Basic facts are that D, at around 12:30 on April 17, 2013, driving a junning motor vehicle, operated a junning motor vehicle on the left side at the entrance of the Cheongndo-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong Cheongdo-do-ro 3-lane 70 km at a speed exceeding 47 km at a speed exceeding 117 km at a speed exceeding 17 km, while driving the motor vehicle at the speed exceeding 117 km at a speed, due to the negligence of neglecting the duty of care to prevent the accident by complying with the speed and accurately operating the steering gear and brakes, driving the junife-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong-only. In order to avoid conflicts, D immediately operated the steering system to the right side of the above junife-car, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "the above junif the vehicle was operated.).
(hereinafter “instant accident”). G died around 13:18 on the same day due to the instant accident.
A is the wife of the Deceased, and the Plaintiff B and C are the offsprings of the Deceased, and the Defendant ELA Property Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Defendant ELI”) is the insurer who entered into a comprehensive automobile insurance contract with respect to the said accident vehicle.
The Korea Land and Housing Corporation established a combined road for bicycles and pedestrians (hereinafter “the instant bicycle lane”) on the next delivery of the instant road while performing the construction work of expanding the instant road. On July 4, 2012, Defendant Jin-si accepted the instant road from the Korea Land and Housing Corporation. After the instant accident, on September 17, 2013, the route of the instant bicycle lane as a combined road for bicycles and pedestrians pursuant to Article 7 of the Promotion of the Use of Bicycles Act.