1. A resolution adopted by the Defendant, at a general meeting held on January 27, 2018, to dismiss 46 members for whom five years have passed after the Rose of Sharon.
1. Basic facts
가. 피고는 궁도(弓道)의 발전과 궁도인 상호간의 친선을 도모함을 목적으로 하는 사단법인이고, 원고는 피고 법인의 회원이자 이사이다.
나. 피고는 2018. 1. 27. 피고의 전수관 대회의실에서 제11기 정기총회(이하 ‘이 사건 총회’라 한다)를 개최하여, 별지 기재 52명의 회원들이 휴궁(休弓) 후 5년이 경과한 회원들로서 그 중 복궁을 원한다는 의사를 밝힌 6명을 제외한 나머지 46명(이하 ‘제명대상자’라 한다, 별지 기재 회원들 중 연번 12, 23, 28, 38, 48, 52 회원을 제외한 나머지 회원으로 보인다)이 정관 제8조 제3항에서 정한 회비납부의무를 이행하지 않았다는 이유로 제명하는 결의(이하 ‘이 사건 제명결의’라 한다)를 하였다
(No. 1, No. 4)
The parts related to this case in the Articles of Incorporation (No. 11-1) and the Enforcement Rules of the Articles of Incorporation (No. 8 and No. 11-2) of the Defendant are as follows:
Article 6 (Qualifications for Membership)
1. The members of the plenary session shall be those who consent to the objectives of the establishment of the plenary session, and who are undertaking the education for entering the ancient palaces, and who have acquired the qualification determined by the C Association, and who have submitted the prescribed application for admission to
2. The qualification of a member shall not be transferred or succeeded to.
Article 7 (Rights of Members)
1. A member of the plenary session may attend the general meeting and exercise his/her voting right and speak on it;
2. A member of the plenary session may participate in the operation of the plenary session;
Article 8 (Obligations of Members) Members shall be obligated to:
1. Observance of the articles of incorporation and regulations at the plenary session;
2. Implementation of resolutions by the general meeting;
3. An expulsion may be made by a resolution at a general meeting, in cases where a member under Article 10 who has paid membership fees violates Article 8;
Article 11 (Composition of General Meeting)The Assembly shall be composed of members with qualifications.
Article 17 (Voting Rights of Members)
1. Each member shall have equal voting rights.
2. The voting rights of the general meeting shall be held by other members present at the general meeting.