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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2013.03.22 2012고합1049

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete the sexual assault treatment program for 80 hours.


Criminal facts

On May 2012, the Defendant was in contact with the victim C (M, 14 years of age) and the Kakao Akaox that was known through smartphone display around May 2012, and on May 2012, the Defendant was in a sexual relationship with the Defendant in the F Spool car operated by the Defendant in the E Park located in Busan Spo-gu, Busan.

After the above sex relationship, the defendant refused to meet the victim, and the defendant had the mind to rape the victim by threatening the victim to the fact that the sex is recorded in the black box attached to the above vehicle.

1. On June 10, 2012, at around 10:00, the Defendant, at the “H singing practice room” operated by the mother of the Defendant of the Defendant of the G of Busan Y G, the Defendant: (a) had sexual intercourses on the said vehicle, which was recorded on the black box in the vehicle; and (b) had sexual intercourses with the Defendant, by threatening the said vehicle to spread on the Internet if they do not look at; (c) cutting off the clothes of the victim who frightened on the Internet; and (d) had sexual intercourses with the Defendant, who had sexual intercourses by inserting his/her sexual organ into the same as a force against the victim.

2. On July 13, 2012, around 13:00, the Defendant: (a) posted the victim’s clothes, such as paragraph (1), from the Defendant’s office inside the office of the Defendant, I apartment 207, 1703, Busan, which he had sexual intercourse with the juvenile by inserting his sexual organ into the body; (b) put the victim’s clothes frightened; and (c) inserting the sexual organ into the body, put the victim into the body, thereby having sexual intercourse with him by force against the juvenile.

3. On July 10, 2012, around 10:00, the Defendant, at the H singing practice room as referred to in paragraph (1), threatened the victim, as referred to in paragraph (1), laid off the clothes of the victim frightened, laid off the clothes of the victim frighten, laid down the fingers, brida, tride, etc. in the sound book, inserted the sexual flag into the sexual flag, and engaged in sexual intercourse with the juvenile victim by force.

4. The Defendant, at the H singing practice room around 10:0 on August 2012, 201, exceeded the clothes of the victim frighting from the victim, as set forth in paragraph (1), and emitted the diesel in his/her mouth and anus.
