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텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 2014.07.10 2014고단574

1. Defendant A’s imprisonment for eight months, Defendant B’s imprisonment for one year and four months, Defendant C’s imprisonment for six months, and Defendant D.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant B, Defendant A, Defendant C, and Defendant D conspired to exchange game results by operating the “M Gameland” on the Dong-gu L and the first floor from March 9, 2013 to April 5, 2013.


B and Defendant A jointly invested operating capital in a game room and opened 60 game rooms. Defendant C, as the head of the business office, managed the overall business of the game room, issued the remaining points after the game as a free coophone to the customers, and Korea directed D to exchange the game site with D, and Defendant D operated the business by exchanging the above free coophones issued by the customers according to the points at the latter or the toilet.

As a result, the Defendants conspired with K for business exchange of results obtained through the use of game products.

2. Defendants B, E, and D conspired to exchange game results by operating the “O Gameland” from March 22, 2013 to August 2013, from the N2013 to the end of August 2013.


E invests in the cost of electrical construction, etc. by leasing the above place, and Defendant B provided 50 games for Abuban 2 game machine, and K, while managing the overall business of the game room, directed Defendant D to exchange money, and Defendant D operated the business by exchanging coophones issued by customers of the game room in the latter or the toilet with the points of the game room at KRW 9,00 per page.

As a result, the Defendants conspired with K for business exchange of results obtained through the use of game products.

3. Defendants B and D conspired to exchange game results in the operation of K, P and the “R Gameland” from September 13, 2013 to January 22, 2014.


B. ..
