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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2020.06.12 2019가합587637

1. Defendant D’s KRW 163,022,461 to the Plaintiffs and 5% per annum from October 30, 2018 to June 12, 2020.


1. Determination as to the claim against Defendant C

A. On August 19, 2015, E, the Plaintiff’s wife that entered into the instant insurance contract, is the Defendant C Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Defendant Co., Ltd.”) via the insurance solicitor Defendant D (hereinafter “Defendant Co., Ltd”).

(A) and the F Vehicle A owned by the Plaintiff (hereinafter “instant vehicle”).

As to the insured, the Plaintiff A and the insurance period from August 23, 2015 to August 23, 2016, and the special agreement stipulating that the secured matters shall be personal compensation 1, 2, self-physical accidents, and non-insurance injury, etc. (hereinafter “instant age-limited special agreement”) with the age of 26 years or older.

2) A comprehensive automobile insurance contract (hereinafter referred to as “instant insurance contract”) including

(2) Around 22:10 on October 3, 2015, Plaintiff B, anam of the instant accident, was driving the instant vehicle and driving the instant vehicle in violation of the signal at the crosswalk at the front of G apartment distance, G apartment, and brought about an accident (hereinafter referred to as “instant accident”) involving: (a) the driver of the instant vehicle, who was shocking the crosswalk pursuant to the pedestrian signals, was shocking to the driver of the vehicle, who was going to the left pursuant to the new code, and was going to the left; and (b) the Plaintiff B was 24 years old at the time of the instant accident.

3) From November 5, 2015 to March 13, 2017, K Co., Ltd. paid 122,889,230 won for medical expenses and agreed fees, etc. with respect to the instant accident. On July 6, 2017, K Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit seeking KRW 52,889,230, which deducts KRW 70,000 returned from the Defendant Co., Ltd. from KRW 122,89,230 for insurance money paid to H from the Plaintiffs, and KRW 52,889,230, which was returned from the Defendant Co., Ltd., Ltd., and its delay damages, and the judgment became final and conclusive on February 13, 2018.

B. L Co., Ltd. is the accident of this case.
