본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2018.03.21 2017고단9112

Defendant shall be punished by a fine of three million won.

If the defendant does not pay the above fine, KRW 100,000.


Punishment of the crime

"2017 Highest 9112"

1. On June 9, 2017, around 11:10 on June 9, 2017, the Defendant: (a) boarded in a private taxi operated by the victim B; (b) taken the victim’s private taxi; and (c) took the victim’s mobile phone from the victim by making a false statement; (c) entered the mobile phone small-amount settlement information without authority by accessing the victim’s mobile merchandise purchase site D with the victim’s mobile merchandise purchase site; (c) purchased KRW 50,00 won of the mobile merchandise coupon; and (d) used the said merchandise coupon by registering the said mobile merchandise coupon number on the Internet site “E”.

2. On June 21, 2017, around June 21, 2017, the Defendant: (a) boarded the victim’s personal taxi operated by the Victim F in G private taxi on June 21, 2017, and got the victim’s mobile phone from the victim’s “to allow him/her to use the mobile phone; (b) opened the mobile phone from the victim; (c) input the mobile phone small-amount settlement information without authority by accessing the victim’s mobile merchandise purchase site D; and (d) purchased KRW 50,00 in the mobile cultural merchandise coupon, and used the said merchandise coupon by registering the said mobile cultural merchandise coupon number on the Internet site “E”.

On May 1, 2017, the Defendant: (a) taken a taxi operated by the victim I on May 1, 2017, and received a mobile phone from the victim by making a false statement that “No mobile phone exists; (b) he/she temporarily borrowed the mobile phone; (c) entered the victim’s mobile merchandise purchase site D without authority by accessing the victim’s mobile merchandise purchase site; (d) purchased KRW 50,000 won of the mobile merchandise; and (e) used the said mobile merchandise coupon by registering the said mobile merchandise number on the Internet website “E”.

Summary of Evidence

"2017 Highest 9112"

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. B and F’s written statements “2018 Highest 435”.
