1. The plaintiff's lawsuit against the defendant B shall be dismissed.
2. Defendant C: (a) KRW 139,807,000 for the Plaintiff and its related expenses on August 2017.
1. Upon receipt of the request from Defendant C, who is the branch of the Plaintiff, the Plaintiff deposited KRW 212,397,000 in the sum of the same amount as the “Plaintiff’s nominal account - the Plaintiff’s nominal account - the Plaintiff’s nominal account” in the following table for a period from September 18, 2014 to March 20, 2017. From the Defendant B’s account, the Plaintiff received KRW 128,953,691 in aggregate of the same amount as the “Defendant B’s nominal account - the Plaintiff’s nominal account” in the following table:
(이하 ‘이 사건 금융거래’라 한다). 날짜 원고 명의 계좌-> 피고 B 명의 계좌 피고 B 명의 계좌-> 원고 명의 계좌 14-9-18 40,000,000 14-9-29 1,000,000 14-9-30 9,000,000 14-9-30 5,000,000 14-10-20 1,200,000 14-11-12 9,000,000 14-11-12 9,000,000 14-11-12 2,000,000 14-11-20 800,000 14-11-27 9,000,000 14-11-27 7,000,000 14-12-22 600,000 14-12-26 59,947,000 14-12-29 480,000 15-1-20 2,400,000 15-2-23 500,000 15-3-18 500,000 15-4-20 500,000 15-5-18 500,000 15-5-18 7,000,000 15-5-21 7,400,000 15-6-18 500,000 15-6-29 3,950,000 15-6-29 6,000,000 15-7-7 9,000,000 15-7-7 1,000,000 15-7-20 500,000 15-7-20 2,800,000 15-7-20 24,000,000 15-8-18 500,000 15-8-21 2,000,000 15-8-24 1,000,000 15-9-21 1,000,000 15-10-20 1,000,000 15-11-2 10,000,000 15-11-18 1,000,000 15-11-19 5,000,000 15-12-7 1,000,000 15-12-18 1,000,000 15-12-21 3,000,000 16-1-16 6,000,000 16-1-17 6,000,000 16-1-18 6,000,000 16-1-18 6,000,000 16-1-18 1,000,000 16-1-19 600,000 16-1-19 6,000,000 16-1-20 900,000 16-1-26 6,000,000 16-1-26 2,000,000 16-2-5 500,000 16-2-18 1,600,000 16-2-22 1,202,574 16-3-21 3,291,560 16-4-20 3,291,560 16-5-20 3,291,560 16-5-31 1,000,000 16-6-20 3,291,560 16-6-30 700,000 16-7-4 5,000,000 16-7-20 1,231,560 16-7-21 1,060,000 16-7-22 1,000,000 16-8-1 195,187 16-8-22 123,560 16-8-22 1,108,000 16-8-23 1,060,000 16-9-1 1,204,126 16-9-20 1,231,560 16-9-21 1,060,000 16-9-26 1,000,000 16-10-4 204,126 16-10-20 1,231,560 16-10-21 1,060,000 16-11-1 204,126 16-11-21 2...