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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2021.01.14 2020고단6726

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for up to eight months and a fine of up to 15 million won.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine.


Punishment of the crime

From January 1, 2013, the Defendant worked as the technical leader in charge of agricultural products in the C Cooperatives D, which is located in the Sungsung City, and has overall control over the purchase and sale of Category D agricultural products.

1. Executive officers and employees of a financial company, etc. that violates the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Economic Crimes shall not receive, request or promise money, valuables or other benefits in connection with their duties;

A. On February 2, 2013, the Defendant received 3.2 million won in total, on seven occasions under the name of the value of rice welved rice welved as stated in the following crime list, 1.7 million won in total, 6 times in the name of the value of rice welved rice welved, 1.2 million won in total, and 3.2 million won in total, on three occasions in the name of the value of rice welved rice welved, as shown in the list of crimes, from around that time to February 2019.

B. On February 2, 2013, the Defendant received KRW 3,90,000,000,000, in total, on seven occasions under the name of the value of lusium, 2,100,000 won, including that of 3,000,000 won in the name of lusium, as shown in the annexed crime list, from around that time to February 2019, the Defendant received 2,10,000 won in total, on six occasions, under the name of the value of lusium rice, as shown in the annexed crime list, under the pretext of the value of lusium, and 1,80,00 won in total.

Accordingly, the Defendant received money and valuables from officers and employees of financial companies in relation to their duties.

2. On December 2013, the Defendant concluded that “A victim F who operates the LAW and the victim H who operates the LAW in the common E market of Ansan-si, Ansan-si, the Co., Ltd., and the Plaintiff H, who operates the LAWD, fraudulently supported the cost of human resources support by KRW 500,000,000 per month, as there is a lack of gender packing personnel.”

However, in fact, the defendant is paid money from the above victims as personnel expenses for C. D. M. promotion personnel.
