본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 서산지원 2018.08.16 2018고단515


A shall be punished by imprisonment without prison labor for one year, and by imprisonment without prison labor for ten months, respectively.

However, for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A is a person who is engaged in driving of a Fpoter II truck.

On February 23, 2018, the Defendant driven the above Ⅱ-II cargo vehicle around 11:23 on February 23, 2018, and led to turn to the left at a speed of about 17 km per hour depending on the side of the police station at the parallel of 296 in the west-gun, Chungcheongnam-gun, Tae-gun, Tae-gun, Tae-nam-gun, to turn to the left at a speed of about 17 km per hour, depending on the two lanes.

At this point, since the passage of vehicles is frequent and traffic signals are installed, the driver of the vehicle has a duty of care to prevent accidents by safely driving the front door and the left and the right of the vehicle, and driving the vehicle safely according to the new code.

Nevertheless, the Defendant neglected this and proceeded to turn to the left by entering the intersection in yellow mar, thereby in violation of the signal, and followed the part on the left side of the Victim B (58 S) drive G Costaki who proceeded from the boundary of the police station in the Taeananan Police Station to the flat crosssection, with the front part of the vehicle B in front of the said mar II.

Ultimately, the Defendant, by such occupational negligence, caused the victim H (V, 68 years old), who took advantage of the said Lone Star Co., Ltd., to die with one another in the two types of health care center in Taean-gun, Taean-gun, Taean-gun, Taean-gun, Taean-gun, 1952-16 on the same day, and caused the victim B to die with one another in the two types of surgery, and caused the victim B to die with one another in the three weeks of treatment; the victim I (75 years old) who took advantage of the said Lone Star Co., Ltd., for about twelve weeks of treatment; and the victim J (73 years old) who took advantage of the said Lone Star Co., Ltd., to suffer injury, such as a ple and an injury to the victim who took advantage of the said Lone Star Co., Ltd., for about three weeks of treatment; and the injury to the victim J (73 years old) by opening the two weeks of treatment.

2. Defendant B is a person who is engaged in driving of Gone Star Co., Ltd.

The defendant is driving the same day and time as described in paragraph (1).
