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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 2019.11.21 2019고단7133

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

The defendant shall pay 36,00,000 won to an applicant for compensation.

The above compensation order shall be.


Punishment of the crime

On June 2019, the Defendant: (a) connected to C, which is the Internet trading intermediary site of a middle-sized vehicle, and sold DF car (hereinafter referred to as “DF car”) at KRW 36 million; and (b) reported the fact by the victim B, despite the victim’s intent or ability to purchase the vehicle at KRW 36 million, the Defendant was carrying the vehicle as if the vehicle was purchased at KRW 36 million; (c) immediately transferred the vehicle to another middle-sized vehicle trading company, and (d) planned to collect the purchase price at the middle-term street.

On June 24, 2019, around 09:35, the Defendant requested for the estimation of a motor vehicle for the mother cost by phone call to E, a company selling a secondhand car, which is a company selling a secondhand car, and received the Defendant’s intent to purchase a motor vehicle for the mother cost amount of KRW 3 million from the above company, and KRW 28.5 million from the vehicle price.

On June 24, 2019, the defendant, at the F apartment parking lot of Geumcheon-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government on June 11:43, 2019, would directly purchase the car at the mother cost, and would purchase the car at the victim's KRW 36 million. If the car at the mother cost is transferred to the victim, the defendant will conduct a performance test immediately after the victim received the document related to the vehicle sale and the car at the mother cost from the victim, and then he transferred the car at the E company with the office in Yongsan-gu, Busan Metropolitan City through the consignor, and the E's employee H transferred the car at the bank account (IBJ) in the victim's name at around 14:51 of the same day.

Since then, at around 15:09 on the same day, the Defendant stated that “I would forward KRW 36 million to 28.5 million if I would like to cause confusion with the other vehicle sale price, so I would like to bring the vehicle price to 28.5 million if I would like to cause confusion with the other vehicle sale price. I would like to forward 36.6 million won to her victim.”
