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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 서부지원 2017.10.19 2017고단1093

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

The telecommunications financing fraud organization is an organization that commits a crime under the law by deceiving a large number of unspecified people to collect deposits, etc. or seizes them by misrepresenting himself/herself to a financial institution or investigation agency while operating a call center in a foreign country, such as China. It is operated in the form of an organization by sharing the roles such as “induction” that solicits many unspecified victims by telephone, etc. (hereinafter “induction”) to commit the crime, “induction” that solicits a large number of unspecified victims to commit the crime, “induction” that solicits a large number of unspecified victims by telephone, etc., “induction” that solicits a large number of unspecified victims to be used for the crime, “induction” that withdraws and delivers cash deposited in the public passbook, and “induction” that plans and instructs the overall crime.

On July 21, 2017, the Defendant received a text message from a person whose name is unknown to the effect that he/she would pay the amount of money to him/her at the request of a person who is unable to know, and agreed to contact a person whose name is unknown (one name: C director; hereinafter “C”) and to make a “transfer by receiving cash,” and C received instructions from a person whose name is unknown (one name: D director; hereinafter “D”).

The Defendant was well aware of the fact that the Defendant was aware of the phishing crime through media reports, etc., and that the act of remitting according to D’s instructions is related to illegal activities, such as the phishing crime.

A person who is not aware of the name of the telecommunications financial organization will obtain money from the victims by misrepresenting the investigative agency or deceiving his/her family members as if he/she was kidnapped, etc. to divide the roles of each person's inducement book, counselor, solicitation book, and withdrawal book, and the defendant will also take the role of remitting money deposited by the victims to the telecommunications financial organization.
