Defendants shall be punished by a fine of three million won.
If A does not pay the above fine, 100,000.
Punishment of the crime
1. Defendant A is the representative director of the B Co., Ltd. in the old and American City C and D Dong.
A person who intends to export strategic items shall obtain export permission from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy or the head of a related administrative agency, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
On May 19, 2017, the Defendant exported at the office of the above B Co., Ltd. around May 19, 2017, two of the B B, a fluoral steel processing machine ( model name E), which is a medical smuggling machine, which falls under strategic items, to USD 30,000 (limited to USD 33,630,000) in total without export permission.
B. Around August 11, 2017, the Defendant, at the office of the above B Co., Ltd. around August 11, 2017, intended to export 2 of the PPP to USD 30,000 in the aggregate of 30,00 U.S. dollars, which is a medical smuggling (design E) for strategic items, without export permission. However, in Japan customs office, the Defendant did not deny entry into the HS code error problem and did not result in attempted crimes.
C. Around September 12, 2017, the Defendant exported 2 U.S. dollars in total to 30,000 U.S. dollars (limited to 33,540,000 U.S. dollars) at the office of the above B Co., Ltd. on September 12, 2017.
2. Defendant B is a corporation established for the purpose of manufacturing dental appliances.
A, the representative of the defendant, exported or attempted strategic items without export permission, as described in paragraph (1), in relation to the defendant's business, at the time and place described in paragraph (1).
Summary of Evidence
1. Defendant A’s legal statement
1. The details of internal investigation (B control), report on internal investigation (a certificate of completion of export and attachment to a commercial invoice), report on internal investigation (Attachment to the relevant item for export), report on internal investigation (the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's confirmation as to whether export permission has been granted), strategic materials reported on internal investigation.